Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ever Changing

I don't even remember writing the last post and I am not sure why I stepped away from blogging. All I do know for certain is that my life is ever changing. 

I don't mind change; it's an opportunity to learn and grow even more. 

I knew I needed to finally do something for myself and I needed a fresh start. I accepted a better job position and moved closer to family and friends. It's already made such a difference in my overall happiness. 

Now if I could just get access to the systems at work to be able to do my job...life would be great. Or maybe it's a sign I just need to take the summer off...

Summer has already started off with a bang though. Busy weekends planned consecutively, events during the week...I must find one wknd to be still. 

This past weekend Friday was trivia night at BWs...but never play your first time with cal and drew...they don't tell you all the rules at once. Cheaters! We did take the opportunity for a photo shoot though...

Cal likes the World Cup for the games...I like it for the coaches. They always wear suits to perfection. 

Saturday we attended the Houston Beerfest and it was hot hot hot! And loads of fun!!

Sunday was just going to be a chill pool day but turned into a pool hopping event. Apparently new pools have to be health code appropriate before you can swim in them...here's to hoping no fifth limb starts growing from my ear... 

Just a great start to an ever changing and eventful new life...stay tuned...

Cheers, Nelly

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say we cheated.....we just didn't know you were uninformed ;)
